Dear Charger Nation,
Earlier today, I presented Superintendent Marotta with my resignation letter from the position of principal at Consentino Middle School. This decision was not made lightly, but ultimately, it is the right choice for me at this stage of my career.
Consentino is a large and diverse community that finds its strength in this diversity. I am proud to have witnessed academic and cultural growth in the school over the past eight years, even amidst a pandemic. Our educators and families made this progress possible, and I cannot thank them enough for their hard work and dedication. I will always cherish our partnership.
New leadership has the potential to approach challenges with a fresh perspective that can further drive improvement, and I have no doubt that my successor will be carefully chosen for this purpose. In the coming months, I will collaborate with Dr. Marotta and the Consentino team to share my institutional knowledge and transition my responsibilities to my successor and the existing staff before leaving the district on June 30th.
Growing up in Haverhill, I have always felt close to my work and pushed to provide our students with as many opportunities as possible to find things they enjoy and help them achieve success, just as many Haverhill educators did for me.
I am honored to have been part of the School Building Committee for the past several years and I’d like to thank Dr. Marotta, Mayor Barrett, and former Mayor Fiorentini for allowing me to serve. As a member, I have been able to give back to the current and future students of Haverhill by developing a building that our kids deserve. I look forward to visiting when the building opens to see the final product and celebrate our community’s dream coming to fruition.
While I know I didn’t always get it right, I depart the district knowing that I came to work each day and gave it my all. I can only hope that my contributions were enough to make even a slight impact on the lives of our Chargers.
I wish Charger Nation continued success and a bright future.
Richard J. Poor, Ed.D.