Consentino Weekly Update- 1/10/25

Good evening Charger Nation!

Despite our heating issues, we had a great week at Consentino. The flexibility of our students and staff was clear as they moved locations at a moment’s notice in order to continue learning. I’ve said it many times over the last few days but I have to say it again…THANK YOU! As always, we thank you for your understanding and support. Should you ever have a question or concern, please feel free to reach out. We’re happy to chat and brainstorm with you.

As we move toward progress reports for the 2nd Trimester, please make sure you are regularly talking with your students about their progress, and please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teachers. This time of year is particularly important for our 7th and 8th graders as they start applying to different high school programs and begin picking their classes for HHS.

In the coming weeks, all 8th grade students will select courses and electives for Haverhill High School. This is done early to ensure students are properly placed and have some options early on. If students are hoping to go to Whittier Tech or another high school they will still complete this process. Victoria Lu, the Associate Principal of HHS will be reaching out to families with more information. You can also visit for more information.

Registration for Washington, DC is quickly coming to an end. The absolute last day to register is February 14th. We are continuing to fundraise and are expecting a check from the first DoubleGood popcorn fundraiser soon. Once we receive that check we’ll get it over to Capital Tours to credit each student’s individual account. As a reminder, if fundraising/parent payment results in an overpayment, the parent will receive a refund of the difference directly from Capital Tours after the trip. We want all students to have the opportunity to attend and will do all that we can to ensure it is financially possible. To answer any questions, we will have another informational meeting at Consentino on February 3rd at 6 pm.

With the cold weather clearly here we are looking for cold-weather clothing. Please see below.

Additionally, we want to remind families that our doors do not open before 8:05 am unless students have morning Discovery or another before-school club/program. We have a number of students showing up much earlier than that time and we are unable to open the building to them as our staff is not yet present.

We are still looking for someone to join our team as our Music Teacher as well as someone interested in taking over the chorus and working with Ms. Johnson to co-direct our musical. If you are interested in and of those opportunities, please reach out to me directly. Additionally, we are looking for a few long-term substitutes to fill some upcoming maternity leaves. If you know of anyone who is thinking about a career in education, these long-term roles are a great way to test the waters and get your foot in the door.

For a full listing of the positions open at Consentino and throughout the district, check out HPS will also be hosting a job fair next Wednesday, January 15th, at the Haverhill Public Library from 1-4 pm.

I hope you all have a great rest of your weekend. Stay Warm!


Richard Poor, Ed.D.

Clothing Collection:
We are collecting gently used or new winter clothing donations, specifically sweaters, sweatpants, and socks, to help our students stay warm during the colder months. Your generosity will make a real difference in providing comfort and warmth to our students. If you are able to assist please reach out to Mrs. Cabrera at or by calling our main number. 

8th Grade Families:
8th grade families are invited to join the Remind group for the Washington, DC trip. This is how we’ll communicate for meetings, fundraising, etc. Once we’re on the trip we’ll also share pictures and updates. To join visit  Please remember, registration closes on February 14th. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

Upcoming Dates:
1/13-1/30: ACCESS Testing (ML Students only)
1/20: No School
1/24: T2 Progress Reports Issued
1/30: T2 Family Conferences (5:30-7pm)
2/3: Second Washington, DC Meeting (Grade 8, OPTIONAL)
2/14: Last Chance to Register for Washington, DC (Gr. 8 only)
2/17-2/21: No School
2/24: School Reopens
2/26: Family Game Night (5-6:30 pm)
3/12: Early Release
4/1-4/2: Gr. 5 ELA MCAS
4/3-4/4: Gr. 6 ELA MCAS
4/7-4/8: Gr. 7 ELA MCAS
4/9: Early Release
4/10-4/11: Gr. 8 ELA MCAS
4/18: No School
4/21-4/25: No School
4/28: School Reopens
5/5-5/6: Gr. 5 Math MCAS
5/6: T3 Progress Reports Issued
5/7-5/8: Gr. 6 Math MCAS
5/9 & 5/12: Gr. 7 Math MCAS
5/13-5/14: Gr. 8 Math MCAS
5/15-5/16: Gr. 5 & 8 STE MCAS
5/19-5/20: Gr. 8 Civics MCAS
5/26: No School
5/28-5/29: iReady Spring Diagnostic
6/2-6/5: Washington, DC Trip
6/3: Gr. 5 Gold Team Field Trip
6/4: Gr. 5 Black Team Field Trip
6/6: HHS Graduation
6/10: TENTATIVE Gr. 8 Promotion & Social
6/11: Last Day of School