Consentino Weekly Update- 1/4/25

Good morning Charger Nation!

Happy Saturday!

It was a very brief week back but another weekend is here! Next week we hit the ground running as our multilingual students officially start their ACCESS testing and as a school we begin to push toward MCAS.

Over the next few weeks our Academic Bowl will begin practicing and preparing for their meets in late February in addition to volleyball tryouts which will begin shortly. Please stay tuned for more information on both.

As a reminder, ​this Wednesday (1/8) is an early release day. Consentino will dismiss at 11:05am.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Richard Poor, Ed.D.

Clothing Collection:
We are collecting gently used or new winter clothing donations, specifically sweaters, sweatpants, and socks, to help our students stay warm during the colder months. Your generosity will make a real difference in providing comfort and warmth to our students. If you are able to assist please reach out to Mrs. Cabrera at or by calling our main number. 

8th Grade Families:
8th grade families are invited to join the Remind group for the Washington, DC trip. This is how we’ll communicate for meetings, fundraising, etc. Once we’re on the trip we’ll also share pictures and updates. To join visit  Please remember, registration closes on February 14th. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

Upcoming Dates:
1/6-1/30: ACCESS Testing (ML Students only)
1/8: Early Release
1/20: No School
1/24: T2 Progress Reports Issued
1/30: T2 Family Conferences (5:30-7pm)
2/3: Second Washington, DC Meeting (Grade 8, OPTIONAL)
2/14: Last Chance to Register for Washington, DC (Gr. 8 only)
2/17-2/21: No School
2/24: School Reopens
2/26: Family Game Night (5-6:30 pm)
3/12: Early Release
4/1-4/2: Gr. 5 ELA MCAS
4/3-4/4: Gr. 6 ELA MCAS
4/7-4/8: Gr. 7 ELA MCAS
4/9: Early Release
4/10-4/11: Gr. 8 ELA MCAS
4/18: No School
4/21-4/25: No School
4/28: School Reopens
5/5-5/6: Gr. 5 Math MCAS
5/6: T3 Progress Reports Issued
5/7-5/8: Gr. 6 Math MCAS
5/9 & 5/12: Gr. 7 Math MCAS
5/13-5/14: Gr. 8 Math MCAS
5/15-5/16: Gr. 5 & 8 STE MCAS
5/19-5/20: Gr. 8 Civics MCAS
5/26: No School
5/28-5/29: iReady Spring Diagnostic
6/2-6/5: Washington, DC Trip
6/3: Gr. 5 Gold Team Field Trip
6/4: Gr. 5 Black Team Field Trip
6/6: HHS Graduation
6/10: TENTATIVE Gr. 8 Promotion & Social
6/11: Last Day of School