Consentino Weekly Update- 10/26/24

Good morning Charger families!

Happy Saturday!

This Wednesday (10/30) is our 2nd Annual Fright Night event, including our Haunted Locker Room! The event kicks off at 5 pm and we close at 7 pm. Last year, this was a great event, and it raised significant funds for our PRIDE program. Please come out and join us!

Starting this week, we will begin gathering non-perishable Thanksgiving fixings to start assembling Thanksgiving baskets for members of our community who might need a little extra help this year. If you are able to contribute, please feel free to send items with your student to drop off near the Main Office or swing by the school yourself. For more information, please reach out to Jenniffer Cabrera-Vicente at

8th grade families are invited to join the Remind group for the Washington, DC trip. This is how we’ll communicate for meetings, fundraising, etc. Once we’re on the trip we’ll also share pictures and updates. To join visit

As a reminder, the use of cell phones is not aloud in school. Students will be issued one ​Reminder by staff to put their phone away. If a student refuses or has it out again, the device will be confiscated until the end of the day, a detention will be issued, and families will be contacted. Please reiterate this to your student. Should you need to contact your student, please call our office at 978-374-5775.

Please see below for some important upcoming dates.

Have a great weekend!


Richard Poor, Ed.D.

Upcoming Dates:
10/28: Gr. 6 Museum of Science Field Trip
10/29: Gr. 8 Freedom Trail Field Trip
10/29: Grade 7 MFA Field Trip
10/30: Fright Night @ 5pm
11/4: Student Council Election Day
11/4: School Council @ 6pm
11/5: No School
11/6: Gr. 7 MFA Field Trip
11/7: Gr. 8 Freedom Trail Field Trip
11/11: No School
11/21: Gr. 8 Whittier Tech Field Trip
11/22: T1 Grades Close
11/27: Early Release (11:05am)
11/28-11/29: No School
12/2: T1 Report Cards Issues
12/9-12/10: Winter iReady Diagnostic Assessment
12/10: Winter Band & Chorus Concert @ 6:30pm
12/12: Tentative Community Winter Potluck
12/23-1/1: No School
1/2: School reopens
