Request for Support in Ensuring Safe and Positive Behavior at Hillie Football Games

Arabic-Request for Support in Ensuring Safe and Positive Behavior at Hillie Football Games
French-Request for Support in Ensuring Safe and Positive Behavior at Hillie Football Games
Haitian Creole-Request for Support in Ensuring Safe and Positive Behavior at Hillie Football Games
Portuguese-Request for Support in Ensuring Safe and Positive Behavior at Hillie Football Games
Spanish-Request for Support in Ensuring Safe and Positive Behavior at Hillie Football Games

Dear Hillie Fans,

We are so pleased to see such a strong turnout of students at our Hillie football games! It’s wonderful to witness the enthusiasm and school spirit as our students come together to cheer on their team.

However, we’ve noticed that a group of middle school students, and even some elementary students, have been engaging in unsafe behavior in areas of the stadium that are less supervised, such as behind the bleachers. While we work hard to monitor the stadium, it’s a large area to cover, and we need your active involvement to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

In the interest of safety, we kindly ask for your support in the following ways:

  1. Please remind your student(s) that this is a school-sponsored event, and they are expected to follow the same rules as they would during the school day. Consequences for misbehavior at football games and other events are the same as those outlined in our student handbook.
  2. If possible, attend the game with your student(s) to help us keep an eye on things and encourage positive behavior. Your presence can make a big difference in helping students stay focused on the game and socializing responsibly.

Please know that if any student is found behaving inappropriately, they will be asked to leave the game, and they may not be allowed to attend future games.

We deeply appreciate your support in ensuring a fun, safe, and positive atmosphere at our Hillie football games. Your involvement is crucial in making these events a great experience for all, and we thank you for your continued commitment to our school community!


Margaret Marotta EdD
Superintendent of Schools