2024 Update

Dear Charger Nation,

In the coming weeks we will be reaching out to all of our families and welcoming them to the school community. This typically happens after the official enrollment “rollover” on August 1st. From that point on you should plan to hear from us at minimum every Saturday morning. To those who are new to the Consentino community, we believe in communication!

However, to address a few important questions that many rising 5th grade families have, please take a look at the information below. We’ll be in touch soon!


Richard Poor, Ed.D.


Class Assignments/Schedule

Grouping: Students at Consentino are heterogeneously grouped into an inclusive classroom setting. In most cases, students will have four different teachers for their core academic classes (ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science).

Schedule: Consentino runs on a six day rotating schedule (Days A-F). Each day is a six 53-minute period day. Each day students will have all four core academic classes, a WIN block, homeroom, lunch/recess, and one Special class (Art Design, Art Elements, PE, Health, Technology, Music or Library). Like the elementary schools, Consentino has a trimester system. Students rotate through Specials classes and have two different Specials each trimester.

Breakfast is served each day in the Consentino cafeteria starting at 8:05am. Homeroom begins at 8:30am and the school day ends at 2:45pm. Students should be at school by 8:30am each day. More information regarding drop-off/pick-up will in the near future.

Class Assignments/Lists: Consentino posts all homeroom assignments/classes to the SchoolBrains Community Portal. We will communicate periodically throughout August regarding the assignments. Please note, these often change right up to the first day (and after) school starts due to numbers and student need. We do not post class lists/student names on the doors.


Teachers do not have classroom supply lists nor do we have a standing supply list for our school. We have done our best to plan accordingly so that students have everything they need to be successful at school. All your child should need is a backpack, water bottle (HIGHLY recommended), and headphones/earbuds (NOT AirPods). 

If you wish to send your child with more to school you are welcome to do so but we’re minimalists! The biggest thing we need is a charged chromebook! Please help us out and make sure your student charges it at home each night and returns it to school with them each day.