Mr. Mele had the honor of being invited to Harbor Place as a guest of Vanessa Lewis of Haverhill (inventor, blues singer, community activist) who was presenting her impressive invention to Senator DiZoglio. Vanessa’s invention involves a drone that uses sound and magnetics to deter sharks and whales from swimming into shallow water. This reduces whale strandings and potential shark attacks on humans.
While not a Consentino student, Vanessa is a close friend to the school community, starting a program when she was an 8th grader at Hampstead Academy that involved a group of her friends coming to Consentino to work on English Language skills with a group of non-English speaking students. In turn, our Chargers taught Spanish to Vanessa and her friends.
Several years later, Vanessa continues to work with our students and keeps in close contact with many of the students she worked with previously, having built lasting friendships. We’re proud of Vanessa and happy to have her as an honorary member or our Charger family!